안녕! hehe long time no post. Been so busy lately, yang kayak tidur 6 jam pas
malem tuh udah super bersyukur bgt. Walaupun hidup gue gini2 aja gaada gairah huhu shoo sad, kalo ga exo ya tidur makan nonton VAMPIRE DIARIES YEAHH i know
i'm super late butttttttt still hehe :) Team
Stefan ftw!!! Bingung deh
sama yang team Damon whyyyy? dia super agresif dan posesif no like lahh udah
gitu super bad boy trus kasar ewh i like good boy better ehehe Stefan is so
charming and kind trus dia juga lembut super romantis sama Elena gahhh need my
own Stefan ahaha<3
Kemaren juga baru nonton Pride And Prejudice! If you haven't seen
this movie, mending buru2 ke disc45 deh beli or go watch online because IT IS
SO GOOD! Kalo lo suka film2 unyu2 nan romantis yang bikin ber-aw aw ria, this
is the purrrfect movie for you :D I LOVE MR DARCY! Maybe kalo
yang udah pernah baca Fifty Shades of Grey mayb lo bakal bandingin Mr. Darcy
sama Christian Grey karna emang mirip bgt lol, sama2 rich, tall person,
handsome feautures, SO SEXY AND SO POSSESSIVE HAHA. Tapi Mr. Darcy versi lebih
lembut ga kasar kayak Christian Grey (even Christian Grey bisa jadi super
lembut dan super romantis sama Anna tapi kan baru lembut kalo udah.......;D)
versi lebih sopan lagi deh ahaha must watch or kl emang gasuka nonton mending
baca novelnya juga ada even ini film/buku udah long time ago. Tapi tetep cinta
Christian Grey kok gasabar 15 Februari tahun depan filmnya keluar! I wonder
yang rated m version bakal masuk Indonesia juga atau nggak.......
So, bukan
ga sengaja sih lagi bosen2 trus kepikiran buat posting di blog, emang udah
rencana, karena emang udah gatau lagi mau lampiasin all that anger yang
daritadi gue pendem sendiri, setelah curhat ke Ratu and le mom. Kejadian super
aneh dan epic dalam sejarah per-sekolahan gue selama 16 tahun, ga pernah yang
namanya nangis di sekolah. Dan itu yang terjadi 10 jam yang lalu, di sekolah,
gue nangis, bener2 gabisa nahan, mental breakdown. Bener2 ngerasa tadi di-judge
sedemikian rupa padahal mereka gatau apa yang gue rasain, main nyudutin,
without asking my explanation and my reason. Tapi emang kalo gue ditanya juga
gabakal mau jawab juga...karna gue bukan tipikal orang yang suka beberin
masalah gue ke semua orang, yang bahkan gue gadeket, dan bahkan tadi di depan
guru gue sendiri, anak sd banget kali yg curhat ke guru sooo lame. Pengen
nangis bgt waktu digituin but i hold my tears, harga diri duh. Abis selesai
digituin, salam guru, balik badan dan masih bisa nahan nangis even udah blur
bgt mata dan kayak orang kebelet lari ke kelas, bilang Ratu gue mau nangis dan
dia bawa gue ke meja belakang pojok, dan nangis sejadi-jadinya. Bener2 mental
breakdown, udah puncak dari segala kefrustasian gue gara-gara dia, yang dikira
sahabat yang dipikir teman, namun musuh. Dan itu kejadian SEBELUM ULANGAN
galau seharian super ngantuk super sedih super depresi super bengkak mata super
duper gak bergairah.
“Forgiveness is not about forgetting. It is about letting go of another person's throat. Forgiveness does not create a relationship. Unless people speak the truth about what they have done and change their mind and behavior, a relationship of trust is not possible. When you forgive someone you certainly release them from judgment, but without true change, no real relationship can be established. Forgiveness in no way requires that you trust the one you forgive. But should they finally confess and repent, you will discover a miracle in your own heart that allows you to reach out and begin to build between you a bridge of reconciliation. Forgiveness does not excuse anything.........You may have to declare your forgiveness a hundred times the first day and the second day, but the third day will be less and each day after, until one day you will realize that you have forgiven completely. And then one day you will pray for his wholeness......”
― Wm. Paul Young, The Shack: Where Tragedy Confronts Eternity
― Wm. Paul Young, The Shack: Where Tragedy Confronts Eternity
lol sedih bgt hidup gue merana banyak cobaan hidup huhu..... untung album Overdose udah keluar;D
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